Further Resources


Polly Hill Arboretum Collection Development Plan Nationally Accredited Stewartia Collection™  2019 by Todd Rounsaville. May 2019


PHA’s Stewartia Collection: Patience, Persistence, Pride by Tim Boland in Meristems, Volume 19, No. 1, Spring 2017


Stewartia Collection at the Polly Hill Arboretum by Tim Boland in Public Garden 2006, Issue 1.


 Stewartia in Cultivation by Eric Hsu, Timothy Boland and Koen Camelbeke from The Plantsman (a publication of the Royal Horticultural Society) Volume 7, Part 2


 Stewartia L. (Theaceae) Vegetative Key to Species Cultivated in Western Europe by Jan De Langhe from the Ghent University Botanical Garden


List of Other Stewartia species


 Comparison of the seeds of the Stewartia species at Polly Hill


 Comparison of the seed capsules of the Stewartia species at Polly Hill


 Studying the stunning Stewartia by Stephen A. Spongberg from Meristems Volume 4, Number 1.


 Schimlinia: New Hybrid, Instant Favorite by Tory Stewart from Meristems Volume 17, Number 2.


Circumscription and Biogeographic Patterns in the Eastern North American-East Asian Genus Stewartia (Theaceae: Stewartieae): Insight from Chloroplast and Nuclear DNA Sequence Data by Linda M. Prince from Castanea Volume 67, Number 3.


 Stewartia ‘Scarlet Sentinel’ by Peter Del Tredici from Arnoldia Volume 62, Number 3.