Martha’s Vineyard Plant Selection Guide


plantfinderscreenshotWith the support of the Martha’s Vineyard Commission (MVC), we have developed this searchable plant selection guide to help residents and organizations on Martha’s Vineyard make smart plant choices for their gardens and landscapes.

We are all familiar with nearly impossible sites in our landscapes. Maybe you have a dry, shady, north-facing corner where grass won’t grow, but weeds will. Could other plants grow there? You imagine an attractive low shrub, one that won’t block the window, perhaps an Island native. Are you asking the impossible? Not any longer … the Martha’s Vineyard Plant Selection Guide reveals three options for this tricky situation: black huckleberry, hillside blueberry, sheep laurel.

Searches based on site conditions, plant type, and plant characteristics as well as native regions and Martha’s Vineyard plant designations will result in a personalized plant list with suggestions that not only meet your needs, but also preserve the unique ecosystems of Martha’s Vineyard. Our goal is to increase biodiversity, promote ecological integrity, and preserve the unique ecosystems of Martha’s Vineyard through providing a resource to support well-informed plant choices. PHA’s research and observations form the basis for the plants included.

Enjoy searching for plant ideas that match with your site conditions and desired traits. The planting possibilities are endless!


DELAY IN OPENING NOTICE: Due to anticipated inclement weather, the Arboretum will open to the public at 10am on Sunday, February 9.