Hidden Treasures of the Arboretum: A Tour of Unique and Unknown Collections

June 22, 2024 @ 10:00 am – 12:00 pm
The Polly Hill Arboretum
$30; $20 for members.

The Arboretum is known for its Living Collections of Trees and Shrubs. Beyond the beauty of our plant specimens are special collections used for research. These include the Herbarium of dried pressed plants and the Stephen A. Spongberg Library of Botanical Treasures, with its rare monographs and exceptional botanical illustrations. There are remarkable collections that tell the story of the site’s agricultural history, as well as quirky and unique collections obtained over the last 25 years by PHA staff. Please join Executive Director Tim Boland on a special behind-the-scenes tour of this remarkable assemblage of artifacts and ephemera that are sure to surprise and delight!

Registration is required: bit.ly/PHA-HiddenTreasures-Tour 

DELAY IN OPENING NOTICE: Due to anticipated inclement weather, the Arboretum will open to the public at 10am on Sunday, February 9.