Landscaping in Tune with Nature

August 16, 2017 @ 5:30 pm
$10 / $5 for PHA members.

Sponsored by SBS: The Grain Store

Many of us wish to create a garden that works with nature—not one that fights against it! In this presentation, Dr. Art Cameron, director of the Michigan State University Horticulture Gardens, will share strategies for creating a natural aesthetic in your landscape. Learn which native and exotic plants are tough, but not weedy; beautiful, but not fussy. Art will discuss some of his favorite plants, including a wide assortment of native and non-native herbaceous perennials and ornamental grasses suitable for diverse locations. He will also give ideas on how to blend these plants together to design landscapes that are in tune with nature. Learn to create a new look in your garden using some of these great plants. $10 / $5 for PHA members.

CLOSURE NOTICE: Wednesday, May 8 - The Arboretum will be closed to the public for maintenance from sunrise to 12:00 noon.